Fee Schedule for the Year 2024-2025

2024-2025 SAIS-Dubai Fees Fact Sheets on KHDA Site:

Terms and Conditions of Payment:
All tuition fees must be settled on or before the due date as the payment plan defines it
Registration Fee is deducted from the Tuition Fees in terms of joining
Early payment discount is applicable upon full payment before the start of Term One
PDC cheques: the amount will not be deducted from the balance until it has been credited into our bank account
Any cheques not honored by the bank will be subjected to AED 500 charge
Any damage to the school property by the student, it will be billed to the parent/guardian
The registration fee is non-refundable and non-transferable
School books and uniforms are non-refundable
Refunds from student withdrawal based on the Ministry of Education decree:
The parent/guardian needs to inform the school regarding the withdrawal of a student 30 days in advance and submit a refund request.
Withdrawal prior to starting the academic year:
If the withdrawal is initiated by the parent/guardian, the balance of the first term fee paid will be refunded. The registration and admissions fees are non-refundable.
If the withdrawal is initiated by the school, the amount corresponding to the first term fee paid is refunded, except the Registration Fee.
Withdrawal during the school term:
If the student attends any part of the first week of the term or fails to attend at all without the parent/guardian notifying the school in writing a week before the beginning of a term, the school has the right to retain the value of the registration or re-registration fees.
If the student attends for two weeks or less in the term, the school has the right to charge the value of one full month of tuition fees.
If the student attends more than two weeks and less than a month in a term, the school has the right to charge the value of two full months of tuition fees.
If the student attends more than one month in a term, the school has the right to charge the full-term fee.
The value of the one-month fee should be estimated by the value of the total school fees for ten months.
Please note that school fees for the upcoming academic year are subject to change in accordance with Article 51 the Bylaw of Federal Law No. (28) of 1999 Concerning Private Education and applicable regulations.
Possible methods of payments:
Current dated cheque
Post-dated cheques
Credit card (Visa or Mastercard)
Wire transfer
Please note that current dated cheques or post-dated cheques will not be accepted as payments for the initial payment for the academic year unless this payment is being done at the very least one month before the start date of the academic year. Fees will only be considered paid once the amount is credited into the school’s bank account.
For postdated cheques, the amount will not be deducted from the balance until it has been credited into our bank account.
The student will not be considered fully registered until the first payment has cleared, whether done in cash, by credit card, or wire transfer.
When making a wire transfer, any additional charges occasioned by the transfer or the bank need to be settled by the parent/guardian, not by the school. Please note the amounts deducted from the balance will be the amount that was received in our bank account only.
Non-Payment of school fees:
The school reserves the right to send emails and/or written reminders, phone calls, SMSs, and notifications through the parent portal to those parents/guardians who default on the payment of fees
The school has the right to suspend students temporarily up to 3 school days in a term, either consecutively or in intervals, after issuing 3 notice letters regarding default in payment
The school has the right to withhold the issuance of learning resources, participation in the extra-curricular activities, field trips, use of the school ICT network, library, labs, and other facilities
The school has the right to withhold transfer certificates, grade reports, mark sheets, transcripts, and letters of recommendation for any student with any outstanding fees pending
The school and/or the legal entity owning the school may consider appropriate legal action and/or inform relevant authorities in order to recover any outstanding fees
The school and/or the legal entity owning the school has the right to claim legal fees and associated costs incurred in trying to recover any outstanding fees